The NGC8209 provides precise and reliable measurement of an extensive range of natural gas values, from C6+ to C9+.
This range includes hydrocarbon dew point, a complex and traditionally difficult-to-measure parameter. But this is just one of the many ways the NGC8209 defies tradition.
After installing the NGC8209, information is readily accessible for use by other programs.
The unit’s single controller seamlessly processes all chromatograms, performs all needed calculations, and reports results in real time, for accurate and timely information on the product in process.
Other applications - alarm processors, trending and reporting software, etc. - can access this information as needed.
Like the NGC8206, the NGC8209 retains this as historical data, to be referred to later for custody transfer, or to verify transmitter operation performance.
With the NGC8209’s easy-to-use, graphical, user-interface software, designated users can directly access information with a laptop PC, or indirectly via a cell phone, satellite, radio, or phone modem.
Features- Three analysis trains, two for N2 through C6+ and one for the C6 through C9+
- Modular software – application based plug-in software modules
- Manifold modules
- Analysis sections contain stream selection solenoids, temperature and pressure regulation, 32 bit digital detector electronics, replaceable column / valve modules and a low power 32 bit digital controller, using Windows CE® (internal to GC unit)
- Microsoft® Windows® based man-machine interface software (PCCU)
- Lithium battery-backed RAM
- Two remote serial digital communications ports; one local port (USB Client)
- One USB Host and one Ethernet port
- Comprehensive diagnostics and wizards available to users
- Three-level security for user access control (Read only, Operate and Read/Write)
- Audit-quality historical data; date and time stamped